Old sash window and wall with missing render

Expert Snagging Surveys for purchasers of new build houses across the south

Bartley West Chartered Surveyors offer a Snagging Survey; new build pre-purchase survey to cover defects before you buy.

RICS Snagging Survey


A new build snagging survey should be commissioned for any newly built property that you are going to purchase, ideally before you exchange contracts, but it can be within the first 2 years. 

Our surveyors will inspect to report on problems on new build properties, from minor defects including cosmetic, to more significant structural problems. A new build home should be problem free, and we can help equip you with the information you need to provide to the developer to get it to the highest standard on handover. 


Let's work together

Why Bartley West?

Bartley West Limited has been a specialist Survey & Valuation firm across the South of England since 2012, All valuations are undertaken only by a fully qualified MRICS RICS Registered Valuer with the knowledge and expertise needed to undertake the work for you. We provide our advice to you in a way that is clear, easy to understand, compliant with requirements and delivered within your required timescales.

Useful documents

Sample Report


Survey Description

HBR description

Terms of Engagement

HBR description
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